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You are not your scan!

Published: 22 July 2023


We know it can be worrying or confusing when imaging tests like x-rays or MRIs turn up abnormalities in your joints, discs, or other structures. However, we encourage you not to be disheartened by these findings alone. The human body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself - with the right treatment approach, radiological findings do not seal your fate.

The current evidence shows that radiological findings don't always correlate directly with physical symptoms and presentation. You may have significant findings on imaging but minimal pain or limitations. Or you may have severe pain but relatively normal imaging. This is because factors like inflammation or muscle spasm can cause pain without obvious structural changes, not to mention the complexity of the nervous system! And sometimes there are incidental findings on imaging that are not clinically relevant.


During your assessment, our expert physiotherapists will perform a thorough physical examination to truly understand your injury and symptoms. We go beyond just the images - assessing your strength, range of motion, gait, and ability to perform activities provides critical context. This physical presentation, along with your own reporting of symptoms, allows us to identify the source of dysfunction and customize targeted treatment.

Our goal is to accurately diagnose and treat the underlying cause of your condition, not just what shows up on imaging. We develop holistic treatment plans that help you improve mobility, reduce pain, and return to the activities you love. Many patients are amazed by the progress they can make through physiotherapy even when imaging findings are not ideal.

The human body and its recovery potential are incredible. With compassionate care from our therapists, plus your own motivation and effort, you have the power to overcome challenges and limitations. So if you've been given results of a scan that give you the fear or you don't understand, let's chat about it and set a plan for the future. 

Arran and Robb

The Physio Clinic Glasgow 

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